Let me ask you — what actors and actresses should appear in the “Freedom Song” movie that we all hope will someday be made?
Who plays Henderson?
Nancy Green?
Lycurgus Johnson?
Lydia Johnson?
I have some actors in mind, but first I want to hear from you!
As far as the sound track, when I wrote the scene when Nancy Green is working in the field and runs to dive into John’s arms when she realizes he’s there to adopt her, I played Enya’s “One by One” as I wrote. View the Enya music video here >>
Any other soundtrack suggestions?
I’ll start the conversation by telling you that I think the song “This Land Is Mine,” by Dido needs to fit somewhere in “The Freedom Song” soundtrack. Any suggestions where? Which scene? The ending, as the hay wagon is pulling away and Elizabeth gets twirled round and round? Or?
Listen to Dido’s “This Land is Mine” here >>
— Mike Jordan